"A Doll’s House, a play ahead of its time"

A Doll's House

by Henrik Ibsen

A Doll’s House is a three act play written by Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), a Norwegian writer. The play was first published in early December of 1879 and premiered on the 21st of that month. The piece of literature criticises the 19th century marriage norms and displays that behind every seemingly happy household, conflicts are present. This play showcases Nora Helmer’s struggle for independence and self-discovery in a world dominated by men. In the beginning of the play the Helmer household seems perfect in every way, without a single whiff of maliciousness or dissatisfaction present. As the play progresses however, significant events start to unfold and the facade of the Helmers is cracked, thus revealing that their “perfect” household was after all just A Doll’s House and Nora is forced to take dramatic action. I recommend this amazing piece of literature to every fan of “realism” and “naturalism.”

Reviewed by teen volunteer, Eri