Published 06/04/18

Lisa Genova, author of Still Alice, centers her newest novel around Richard Evans,an accomplished concert pianist who loves the attention and applause when performing. He regards every finger on his hands as a finely calibrated instrument. His life, as he knows it, is full of accolades and adoring fans. However, Richard develops ALS and begins to lose movement in his right arm ad then his fingers. He knows his left arm will be next and to Richard, this is a death sentence.

Richard’s estranged wife,Karina, is living an unfulfilled life as a piano teacher, having abandoned her dream of becoming a ballet dancer. Katrina becomes Richard’s reluctant caretaker as he loses his muscles and voice,

Genova explores the devastation of ALS on the body and on the caretaker. Because Genova is a neuroscientist, she is able to explain the story of the disease also. Her storytelling is both poignant and devastating . The reader learns how love and redemption are possible under the worst circumstances.  Every Note Played is a must read for the summer of 2018!