The library will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day

Resources for Parents

Resources for Parents

We’ve compiled some great websites to give you the resources you need to support your child’s learning and to help you make the best choices about books, media, and technology for your individual child.

Education Resources

Medfield Public Schools

Massachusetts Home Learning Association

Other Homeschooling Resources

Virtual School Librarian: Support for students & teachers provided by the Massachusetts School Library Association

Reading Resources

1000 Books Before Kindergarten – “The concept is simple, the rewards are priceless. Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, and/or toddler. The goal is to have read 1,000 books (yes, you can repeat booksbefore your precious one start kindergarten.” – From website

Books Build Connections Toolkit from AAP – This toolkit from the American Academy of Pediatrics provides information for parents on early literacy and early learning.

Children’s Audiobooks (Hoopla)

Children’s Audiobooks (Audible)

Children’s Movies (Hoopla)

Children’s Music (Hoopla)

KidLit TV: Explore the world of children’s literature

Reading Rockets – “Reading Rockets is a national multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help… Our goal is to bring the reading research to life — to spread the word about reading instruction and to present “what works” in a way that parents and educators can understand and use.”  – From website

Shelf Stuff: Connecting readers to the imagination and adventure of the tween book community

Reviews & Recommendations

Common Sense Media – An independent, non-profit organization that provides unbiased reviews of books, media, and technology for children and teens. Wondering why a movie received that PG rating or if a book might be too scary for your child? This is the place to find out! Also includes themed lists, top picks, and parent reviews.

A Mighty Girl – “A resource site to help others…interested in supporting and celebrating girls. The site was founded on the belief that all children should have the opportunity to read books, play with toys, listen to music, and watch movies that offer positive messages about girls and honor their diverse capabilities.” – From website

Brightly – A resource site that “provides passionate parents, educators, and caregivers with the tools they need… to keep kids connected to books through every age & stage of life. [Brightly works] with a diverse group of contributors, authors, and partners who cover a wide range of topics for readers of all ages in order to cultivate a love of books and reading in children.” – From website

Start with a Book – Activities and booklists related to kids’ favorite topics.

Readalike Lists Curated by Medfield Staff


Seasonal Book Lists Curated by Medfield Staff



31 Days of LEGO Play: Daily Lego building challenges

ABCya: Kids computer games and fun activities

America’s Test Kitchen for Kids: Try recipes, experiments, and take quizzes to learn more about the culinary world

Britannica Learning Zone: Fun and educational games from Encyclopedia Britannica

Fun 4 the Brain: Brainy games that are also fun!

FunBrain: Arcade games, games based on books, and more!

Fun and games about Nature and the Environment

Mathplayground: Fun math games for all ages

PBS Kids: Educational Games and Videos

Primary Games: Arcade games, puzzles, and more

Softschools -math games: Fun math games for all ages