"An Enjoyable BioFic!"

Under the Wide and Starry Sky

by Nancy Horan

Recently I listened to this audio book I downloaded from Overdrive which I truly picked because of the cover. I had no idea that it was a novel about the life of Robert Louis Stevenson and that’s a good thing, because I’m not sure I would have chosen it!  While I have enjoyed the works of  Mr. Stevenson, he’s just not a person that I have ever been particularly interested in learning about.  Well, all that has changed!  This novel gives a very close and personal account of Stevenson’s life.  He was a gentle and loving person who endured a lifelong illness with optimism and determination.  The novel centers around his marriage to a head strong divorced American woman who was every much his equal in strength and intellect.  Their life together held many adventures, heartache and loss but Stevenson’s spirit and their deep love for each other, saw them through.

Although this is a novel, I came to realize as I did some research, that the account of his life is very close to the truth.  I highly recommend this novel for anyone who is interested in great historical and/or literary figures.